
Angela Newman, Partner

Execute with Excellence.

It's not just a catch phrase for Angela. It's her credo. Before striking out on her own, Angela worked with global companies to broker deals totaling over $1 Billion.

Her success is due to her holistic approach to negotiation. She knows how to optimize outcomes for her clients, their investors, and their customers. All too often, she's seen companies accept unfortunate terms just to close their deal, damaging their customer relationships in the process of negotiations.

Angela delivers for her clients, not only helping a company win their customer, but does so with favorable contract terms, often exceeding the expectations of executives and delighting investors. In a great negotiation, both sides win and Angela knows just how to execute on this potential.

Angela's appetite for working with tech start-ups stems from her passion for the Innovator. She knows the hours, the sacrifices, the fervor that compelled your company to develop great tech. She believes you deserve an equitable and commercially-reasonable return for your efforts.